I’ve got a task for you.
I need you to fall in love.
To want a crooked smile,
Which is more than a romantic cliché.
I want you to want the girl
who can't keep her nails polished
who can't keep her shoes polished
who can't keep her thoughts polished
who can't keep her words polished.
I want you to want the girl who
is afraid of a mouse but
can conquer a tarantula
in a single swipe.
Tackling the big questions
and ridding her mind of
the trivial problems.
I want you to love her spontaneous cartwheels.
You see, I want you to want
the girl who does handstands
because her eyes really see
the world upside down and
she’s just looking for a little honesty.
If the world is going to lie to her,
at least her brain will no longer be deceptive.
Love the girl who has no idea
where to put the shattered
trophies of her past.
The girl whose faith has
often found her with few ally's.
I want you to need this girl.
Love the girl still sleeps with her teddy bear.
who dreams of a never-never-land
praying it will take her fear
for the future away.
Take this girl in your arms
and tell her it going to be
alright but don't you dare lie to her.
I want you to love this girl.
Whose doodles make her
feel like she's gained another
life channeled through her fingers.
As they create the shapes of her thoughts,
the paisley designs and angel wings
give her hope. Love her hands,
which creates worlds and words in
simple complexity
Love the girl whose high hopes
and lack of strings detach her
from the world.
Love this girl who abhors matching
green with green and instead pairs
it with it's most distant cousin violet.
Need the girl whose pride has
kept her from love in the past.
She’s reaching for you.
Reaching high.
Love her strange faces,
Her odd noises,
the eccentric dancing.
Adore the girl with the 80's hair
and the gray fairy boots.
Love all of her.
Love her distasteful humor
and her tasteful ambitions.
Love her inability to text you back
in a timely manner.
Love every last imperfection
regardless of where you lose count.
Love her chameleon nature to go
from the wallflower to the
obnoxious floral wall paper you
thought you had painted over.
You know what, never mind.
Love that girl,
Or don’t.
No opinions
Need to coincides as
Long as she is on her own side.