Sunday, May 27, 2012


I lay awake this night
Willing the chaos inside me
To quiet.

I have forced myself
to believe in the
possibility of closing the
wounds left

from a love
reluctantly abandoned.

Monday, January 30, 2012


these familiar roads wind
in and out like my contentment,
but tracing them gives me comfort.
you always did that for me.
you still do that for me.

i silently thank you for being
what you were for me.

a hand to hold,
bearer of gentle kisses,
an ear to listen,
an example to follow.

your absences is now more palpable,
 and tonight is the first time
in a long time i feel alone.

yearning for the days
when your voice was easily accessible
hoping this feeling of solitude
escapes me soon.
fearing i cannot
entertain it too much longer.